tracker laser pour controle


tracker laser pour controle


machine de palpage de pieces



Controle par tracker laser

LASER Tracker


controle par camera 3D

3d camera


AXIOME offers to integrate measurement means on robots in order to facilitate dimensional control operations and to be able to process them automatically. The means can be mechanical or optical and are determined according to the control to be carried out. The integration environment will depend on the flow of parts, their sizes and the cycle time allocated to the operation.

control applications

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Dimensional control can be carried out with a mechanical or optical probe, mounted on a robot. The goal is, for example, to relocate a part, or to check its compliance with a reference part.

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Laser tracker

The laser tracker makes it possible to take references in an absolute benchmark. There are many applications, from parts location to robot calibration.

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2D or 3D camera

2D and 3D cameras allow dimensional control, and / or appearance control. Associated with specific lighting, and on a robot, these cameras enable high-speed treatment for a wide variety of sectors, such as the automobile, cosmetics or the medical sector.